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The value of assets earmarked for retirement declined in most OECD countries in 2022 driven by negative nominal investment rates of return

10 julio 2023


  • Fixed income instruments, the largest asset class for pension providers, have seen large drops in valuations across the globe driven by high inflation and interest rates.
  • Widespread decreases in equity valuations have exacerbated negative returns in several markets.

Pension Markets in Focus – Preliminary 2022 Data provides a snapshot of asset-backed pensionarrangements in OECD countries and in a selection of non-OECD jurisdictions in 2022.The indicators are based on preliminary data for 2022. An Excel file with the underlying data is available atwww.oecd.org/daf/pensions/pensionmarkets. This snapshot was made possible by close co-operationbetween the OECD, the International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS), the World Bank andthe various national bodies that provided data and comments.

A more developed analysis will be published in the 2023 edition of the full report Pension Markets inFocus, forthcoming in Q4 2023.For more information, please contact Romain Despalins (romain.despalins@oecd.org), Pablo Antolin(pablo.antolin@oecd.org) or Stéphanie Payet (stephanie.payet@oecd.org).© OECD – 2023

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