The Global Risks Report 2025-20th Edition
The multi-decade structural forces highlighted in last year’s Global Risks Report – technological acceleration, geostrategic shifts, climate change and demographic bifurcation – and the interactions they have with each other have continued their march onwards.

The Global Risks Report is produced exclusively by the World Economic Forum. We are grateful to ourlongstanding partners on previous editions, Marsh McLennan and Zurich Insurance Group. Their generous inputs and in-depth guidance have been invaluable over the last 20 years.
The multi-decade structural forces highlighted in last year’s Global Risks Report – technological acceleration, geostrategic shifts, climate change and demographic bifurcation – and the interactionsthey have with each other have continued their march onwards. The ensuing risks are becomingmore complex and urgent, and accentuating a paradigm shift in the world order characterized bygreater instability, polarizing narratives, eroding trust and insecurity. Moreover, this is occurring against abackground where today’s governance frameworks seem ill-equipped for addressing both known andemergent global risks or countering the fragility that those risks generate.